Oh yes! That's right ladies and gentleman - we have another addition to the "I use the potty" club at the Hixson household. Addie used the potty tonight for the very first time and we are celebrating! The whole family gathered in the girls bathroom for the party!
As you can see, this is our little munchkin standing by her trophy - and this is good news b/c hopefully we will be completely free from diapers!!!
At Vinings Lake, our men meet on Wednesday mornings at 6am - yes, incredibly early! But it is a "love-hate" relationship - I definitely don't enjoy getting there that early, but once there, it is great to be around a bunch of guys - and we learn some good stuff together.
Today, the subject was being a servant leader. We are going through the series called "The Quest for Authentic Manhood" by Robert Lewis. It has all been good stuff, but today was definitely as Lewis put it "an outline for a lifetime" There were 25 ways to be a servant leader and all were very good. A few that stand out to me are:
1. Tell your wife something you appreciate about her. 2. Pray with your wife. 3. Do fun things and create traditions with your family.
These are just a few, but they are all good.
We can be creatures of a short lived feeling or "good idea", but in this area maybe the most important thing to remember is the fact that it isn't a "to do list for now", but "an outline for a lifetime".
Well, I really just picked a name for it, but as I think about it - I believe we need more "conversations" in our lives.
We all need relationships with other people and it takes "conversations" to make those relationships happen. We also need a REAL Relationship with our creator and the lover of our soul, God - and that happens through "conversations" with other people as well.
We tend to think that only having people come to a service where the truth about God is presented will be almost "magical" or something - and then they will believe. If that is the case, then everyone who has been presented with the truth should have accepted it.
Don't get me wrong, I completely believe that a person can reject the truth, and definitely it is the work and power of God Himself that brings a person into a relationship with Himself. But God's method of doing this is more than a lecture or a presentation - it is through real people, real relationships, and real "conversations". And I would bet that most people that do respond to a presentation about God's truth and the gospel, have had a relationship with someone in their life - recently or in the past - that has had spiritual "conversations" with them.
Those of us who have been privileged to discover this "born again" life that Jesus offers must have "conversations" with those who have not yet believed. We must give allow people into our lives and give them opportunities to ask real and hard questions, without them being fearful of what we will think about them or that we will no longer talk to them b/c they don't believe what we believe.
God knew that it would take a real person to reach real people like you and me - so He sent Jesus - as a man - not to simply present the truth, but to live it, relate it to people - with His life and with His "conversations".
Worship this morning: We started off the day with great energy and a buzzing of excitement. It has been a beautiful day - I can't believe this weather - it was 87 degrees!!!!!!!
We closed our series "Merge" with a story out of the Bible in Luke chapter 14. This story is an incredible illustration of God's heart - which includes EVERYONE (a great theme for the entire book of Luke). God has prepared a feast for EVERYONE, the "church" exists to bring EVERYONE to that feast, EVERYONE must choose whether or not to accept this invitation.
Practically speaking, we need to "Merge" with EVERYONE around us. It is by no mistake that we have been placed right where we are - with our co-workers, neighbors, friends, and family. And today's message is a reminder that this "feast" is to be shared, not kept to ourselves.
We also observed communion this morning - remembering the body and blood of Jesus - that was given for us. It was a great time of response - to be grateful for what Jesus has done for us - and also not be satisfied to keep this "feast" for ourselves.
Community Group Tonight: We had a great group tonight - awesome discussion on this morning's message about "Merging" - and we also gave some ideas about our community outreach event and it looks like we are going to partner with a local center with some older teenagers that really don't have families. One of our group members works there. We also talked about our "hang out" night.
We read about the people in Luke 14 that made excuses and the fact that we as the "church" sometimes are the reason for their excuses. So we discussed some ways to break down barriers and give people more of a reason to "come" to church - the truth is, come to God.
A few great thoughts that were brought out were:
Go to where people are
Just start with a conversation
Be real - sometimes people think that Christians have it all together - and that may keep others from coming because they "can't measure up"
Just LOVE people genuinely - let people know that you will love them unconditionally
Balance between building a relationship and taking the opportunity to share as well
I got to meet Toby Mac over a year ago and he is the man! I just went on his website and you HAVE to check out this video - especially if you are a Tommy Boy fan!
The new VL website is up! There are a few more things that we will be adding - the intro video and some pictures scrolling on the front screen - along with some more things that will be adjusted. This will give people a better opportunity to find out more about who we are, etc.
I think it looks great! Thank you Derek - you are a man with skills!
Vinings Lake should have our new website up within the next 24 hours (or sooner!). We are putting out a 15,000 piece mailout inviting the Vinings Community to be a part of our Easter weekend and we wanted the website to be ready when people get the post card and hopefully go online to check out VL. The site will have a new look along with more information, pictures, and a welcome video that will give people more of an idea of who Vinings Lake is.
Bowling is an awesome American past time! Today our Vinings Lake leadership team hit the bowling alley in Marietta. It is quite the place and we had a great time and ummm.......I am so glad that we are dedicated to eating healthy!
Our current series at VL is "Merge" and it is really happening! Merge is based on the fact that God has called us to bring people to Jesus based on John 1:35-46. In order for that to happen, then we have to "merge" with people around us - allow them to merge into our lane of life and merge into theirs - by building relationships and inviting people to "come and see" WHO Jesus is.
I have had an encouraging week of conversations and hearing people talk about opportunities to Merge with people around them. This series has impacted us at VL and I am excited to see what will happen. Easter is coming and it is a great time to take advantage of this truth and concept while many will be "merging" into our lane on Easter Sunday.
Easter. This is a great time of the year - the weather is changing for the better, on Easter Sunday many people will get together with family and friends to have a big meal and relax, and it is a great memory for me because it was 11 years ago that my wife Hollie started showing interest in me! (she wanted me for a while, but it was Easter that she finally started being honest about it - haha!!!)
Easter is THE time of the year that gives great attention to the "church". Many people will be attending Easter services all over during this holiday weekend. This is a great opportunity for the "church" to be ready for company and to have their "A" game put together.
But just a quick question: Why don't we have that "A" game ready for company every single week? Maybe that's why many people only come on that one day?? Or maybe a more compelling statement is that we are the "church" - and people are attending "church" every day if they are around us - and maybe that's why they only come that one day.
Either way, are we ready for company more than once a year? Are we ready for company more than once a week?