Sunday, June 10, 2007

Simpatico - try it! Date your wife - try it!

I had a "hot" date Friday night with my wife of almost 10 years (wow!) and we went to a place on the Marietta square called Simpatico. It was phenomenal! Hollie had an Asian dish and I had one of the specials - a horseradish crusted Grouper with rice and some type of spicy souce and vegetables. While you are waiting for your food, they bring bread and some type of vinaigrette and oil to dip it in. It was great - and not too expensive either.

In our house, it has become a joke between Hollie and I when we are trying to carry on a conversation and the kids are screaming (literally) - we just say, "I'll tell you when they go to college".

I enjoy taking moments to spend with my wife - alone without the kids - and it is needed in our relationship between her and I. It is not easy to make this a priority - but again - what we say we value - we must give time to and prioritize!

Here is the link to restaurants on the Marietta square - and Simpatico:

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