Sunday, March 16, 2008


Really too much to even try and put into words on how today was at VL.  I may try and get a little saucy and do another video blog this week - about today and leading up to Easter.

But in brief (b/c I am hitting that grumpy tired state) - here's the bottom line:
  • People shared about how their lives have been and are being changed - some video, some live.
  • People publicly professed their faith in Jesus through baptism.
  • People observed Communion - remembering what Jesus went through with His body and His blood.
  • People worshiped throughout all of these points during the service.
  • The band did another amazing job leading us in worship (they absolutely rock! - Shane is my Brock..or Bryan...Mark...D. Riddle....Jeff....I can't decide, I want to be like all of them!)
  • The media team with sound, lights, video, did an awesome job interviewing, shooting, editing, and pulling everything together.
  • Staff - thank you SO much for putting all hands on deck today to make it all happen - details with order of service, baptism, communion, media - everything you do every week.  Your leadership and service is amazing and I love you!
  • Many people were there as guests and regular attenders - to watch and listen to real people talk about real change that comes only by a real God.
  • Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  It is ONLY through Him that our lives can be CHANGED!
  • I am so excited and have a renewed passion to continue pursuing what God wants to do in our community and around the world!
  • In a 5 mile radius of where VL is - there are 162,170 people - over 600,000 in 10 miles and 6.4 billion around the world.......
  • I want to go back to thinking and believing BIG - He is God after all - and this whole idea of redeeming people back to Himself is His idea - we just get to be a part of it!


Hollie said...

sweetie, i'm so proud of you- it was such a great day!

Katie said...

First, I would like to say how proud I am of you for leaving a comment. Secondly, don't tell Hollie about the storm chasers idea because you know she will want to do it!

Jenn said...

Storm Chasin'!! I am SO in. And Pastor Pete, it was an INCREDIBLE day Sunday. Thanks for being such an awesome example and shepherd for your sheep. What a blessing to call VL home.

Anonymous said...

Very cool my friend!