Sunday, October 7, 2007

Catalyst Day 2

Catalyst continued with an incredible day - and succeeded the greatest of expectations.

Craig Groeschel, who is the pastor of brought a message that spoke deep to the heart - he talked about saying we believe in God, but living like we are an atheist. Do we REALLY believe?

Dave Ramsey kicked my tail with truth from God's Word about being good managers of our money - and how VITAL it is to get this straight - before we can even think about being tithers and generous givers - and we know that tithing is not an option, so we better get our stuff together!

There were some other great moments - including the most amazing worship experience I have ever had when all the worship leaders and musicians took the stage (including 2 drummers).

Andy Stanley closed the conference with a GREAT talk on the fact that "systems create behavior" - this was very good for me as a pastor - and helps in the operations of church ministry.

Again - it was great to see some friends from the ministry and.............I can't forget to include the cave man that was there
- J.R. Lee - that is for you my friend!

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