Sunday, January 20, 2008

Today at VL

After I strapped the chains on my tires and made my way over the hills and through the woods, I finally made it to VL............Seriously, we had a great day - even with canceling our 9:15 service, our 11:00 service was awesome!  

I have enjoyed this message series, "Choreography" and today's message was about adding the Scriptures to our faith.  We learned that "Scripture isn't just a textbook to tell us something, but God's message to change our lives."  Sometimes we view scriptures as irrelevant, boring, or we are motivated by guilt to read - but in reality - it is our creator's message in order to change our lives!  The Scriptures reveals God to us, us to ourselves - in order to change us, gives us a hunger for itself, gives us wisdom for living, and shows us that Jesus is the main character.  What an opportunity we have!  We need to just start somewhere, develop a hunger for the scriptures, and include others around us to help us.

It has been an excellent day all together - went to lunch at US Cafe (best burger around!), good time at Community Group tonight, and then played a little Nintendo Wii - polishing up my skills on Guitar Hero! (still pursuing my dream of being a rock star!).

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