Monday, August 20, 2007

"No Strings Attached" - Pt. 2

As I was thinking about this blog tonight - I realized another area of my life that I constantly need to improve on.

When I do nice or good or "servant" things for my wife - I have a very bad habit of bringing it back up at certain times - in order to "remind" her of what I did for her. For example, giving the kids a bath or coming home early to pick Hope up from school or anything "out of the ordinary".

I need to work on being kind and doing these things - with "No Strings Attached".

***And in case you are wondering......she did NOT make me write this - she hasn't even seen it yet - ok, so I just wrote this so I can "remind" her of that as well......just kidding....aren't we humans so self-centered!!!!!!

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