Saturday, August 18, 2007

Need for Relationships

We are relational people. Everyone - whether we recognize or not - are created this way. Of course, some are more outgoing than others, but we are not meant to live life alone. When we are alone, all kinds of wierd things happen - in our minds, emotions, and then in and through our lives.

Tomorrow, I am going to be speaking on this subject and will be highlighting a story in scripture where during a very difficult time, 1 person deicides to make a commitment to another - to walk with them through this time. It is from the book of Ruth, chapter 1, in the Old Testament.

We will learn that "community" is:
A commitment to give and take through seasons of life - together.

It's not necesarrily b/c we have everything in common with others (although we have more in common than we think b/c we all live on this planet and are human), but it's about making a commitment - to give and take (both) - through seasons of life (that will change) - together.

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