Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Leverage Your Culture

In listening to a podcast with Erwin McManus and Rick Warren, a good point is brought out - that we need to understand the culture we live in in order to effectively make an impact.

We don't live in L.A. or New York or Alabama - we live in Atlanta, GA - and I think it is even important to note what part of Atlanta we live in - and the people in our communities.

We can learn incredible principles from EVERYONE - but success in one community may not be in another - because of our culture.

Another good point along these lines is to "leverage" our culture (in general). At a conference that Granger Community Church led, they said you can either ignore, condemn, join, or leverage our "pop" culture. Of course Leveraging our culture is the answer - use it - maximize it - to reach the people in it.

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